Muskellunge biography

Ohio muskie stocking 2024

The muskellunge (Esox masquinongy), often shortened to muskie, musky, ski, or lunge, is a species of large freshwater predatory fish native to North America.
muskellunge biography

Muskellunge vs pike

The muskellunge – What’s in a name?

Muskellunge record

The muskellunge(Esox masquinongy), also known as muskelunge, muscallonge, milliganong, or maskinonge (and often abbreviated "muskie" or "musky"), is a species of large, relatively .

Muskellunge size
Biology of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) in the upper Niagara River Several life‐history features of Niagara River muskellunge were determined and compared to similar data for .